We streamline Market Intelligence and RFP processes in Performance Marketing

Using data-driven insights and efficient workflows for smarter decision-making.

Why did we start Perfway?

Traditional tools like emails, spreadsheets, and rigid legal forms were never designed for ambitious Brand marketing teams seeking the ideal MarTech partner. They simply can't keep up with the demands of modern collaboration and decision-making.

Managing RFPs through scattered emails and attachments leads to disorganization and lost information. Overly complex forms and outdated spreadsheets stifle customization and engagement, hindering both Brands and MarTechs from building the best partnerships.

The Performance Marketing industry deserves better!

A centralized platform offering real-time market insights, customizable RFPs, content-rich proposals, seamless collaboration, and tailored contracts can transform the process. It's time to focus on insights, efficiency, and building lasting, mutually beneficial partnerships.

“Perfway was created to transform the Performance Marketing industry by empowering Brands and MarTechs to forge stronger, more successful partnerships through our technology-driven solutions.”

Alex Martin-Rosset

Founder & CEO
with 15 Years Retailer & Publisher Experience in the Performance Marketing Industry

Our Core Values



Perfway exists first and foremost to have a positive impact on the Performance Marketing Industry as a whole, and to contribute to the growth of its global players.


Empowerment & transparency

Helping Brands, Retailers and Performance Marketing companies to better exchange and decipher a market previously marked by high opacity and underperformance.


The obstacle is the way

We embrace challenges and transform constraints into unique solutions. Obstacles don’t deter us — we find a way to move around them, flowing like oil in the wheels.



Treating our teammates and our community with friendliness, consideration, and respect.



We strive to conduct our work in the most sustainable way possible, making responsible decisions that set our people, our planet, and our business up for long-term prosperity. So, from the outset, we will linking up with Stripe Climate (1% revenue contribution) working on lowering our carbon footprint.

Backed by

Accelerate Affiliate Marketing Success with the Comprehensive RFP Solution

Perfway streamlines Affiliate Marketing RFPs for maximum ROI: Strategically benchmark, launch with ease, craft modern-creative briefs & proposals, and confidently secure successful partnerships.

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